
Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Reporting

Gather customer feedback via SurveyMonkey surveys, store the responses in Supabase for detailed analysis, and generate comprehensive reports to drive sales strategies.


Connect Prefix with SurveyMonkey and Supabase to:

  • Efficiently collect and centralize customer feedback data for easy access and analysis
  • Utilize advanced querying in Supabase to segment data and uncover actionable insights
  • Enhance decision-making with data-driven reports that reflect customer satisfaction levels
Integrate seamlessly on Prefix with Google SheetsHubspot

Available Actions

Prefix's AI can intelligently identify and connect these actions and many others together for any workflow you need.
Action Logo
Get Responses
Action Logo
Insert Row
Action Logo
Select Row

Try these actions on Prefix

Create helpful visual tools and applications for your team connecting these actions in minutes with our powerful AI, or get a demo for your particular use case.

Connecting your SurveyMonkey and Supabase accounts

All account information is stored securely in our encrypted vault. Once you've connected your accounts, Prefix's AI can continue to use these actions to help you build powerful automations and internal tools.

Find and select SurveyMonkey from the list of Featured Apps on your Prefix dashboard. You should see a popup similar to the one pictured below asking you for some information about your account.
Featured Apps
Then, if you're unsure where to find this info: